Finding Inspiration in Portugal

Being a tourist in a foreign place is exciting! Instead of having our heads buried in our phones, we are constantly looking around, taking in the sights and sounds, and immersing ourselves in the culture. Our minds become curious, and we are full of wonder and anticipation as we make sense of the things that are around us. My recent trip to Porto Portugal, not only allowed me to experience this beautiful city but also brought me back home with inspiration that I hope to be able to share with others.  During the trip, our delegation had the opportunity to visit two schools;  Colégio Santa Eulália (birth through 6th grade plus a retirement community) and Colégio Alfacoop (PreK-12 grade).

 Here are my takeaways from these school visits. 

Space Matters!
From the moment we set foot in the schools, it was evident that the physical environment played a pivotal role in the educational experience. Natural light and the absence of clutter were consistent features, creating an atmosphere that was not only inviting but also felt conducive to learning and creativity.  The connection between our environment and our well-being became clear as we roamed through these schools.
When we have access to nature, our minds are at ease. Feeling the sunshine on your face or hearing the birds chirping awakens and energizes you. It's a simple yet powerful reminder of how space matters in the learning process.
At both Alfacoop and Santa Eulália, we noticed the outdoor spaces
were thoughtfully set up for learning, with chairs and benches easily accessible from the classrooms. We witnessed several classes being held outdoors, and students working in the outdoor spaces…it was awesome to see!

One of the outdoor learning spaces at Santa Eulália'.

Year 5 students were so excited to see their former math teacher, Cellestino, visit their classroom. They insisted on taking a picture with him.

Schools should be a community!

Both schools that we visited had a strong sense of community and the idea of “family” came to my mind quite often. The teachers and directors in the schools were genuinely happy to greet one another and the students.  As I listened to the conversations (that they had in English) I thought to myself that many of them could easily be conversations that family members might share around a dinner table.  We know that when students feel connected and supported they are more likely to learn, take risks and ultimately flourish.  By fostering a sense of family and community, both schools underscored the idea that learning is not just about acquiring knowledge but also about personal growth, and empathy.  

Santa Eulália's innovative approach of a school and senior citizen care
on the same campus beautifully symbolized the idea of learning
across generations. While we were there we witnessed some of the senior citizens in a Kindergarten classroom helping students with an activity. We also remarked on how wonderful it was that everyone shared common spaces like the cafeteria and outdoor gardens with one another.  It reminded us that education is not confined to age… it's a lifelong journey!

Student Empowerment is Essential!
Empowering students is fundamental to their growth and development. When students know that they are trusted and valued, they become more confident in themselves and more engaged in their learning. Our observations at both schools revealed an environment where this trust was not just spoken but lived.

An example of this empowerment played out for us at Alfacoop school, where students are given an entire hour for lunch each day. During this time, they freely transitioned from lunch to outdoor games, and conversations with friends. Teachers also had an entire hour and we saw them flow freely between the cafeteria and the school run cafe where some of them popped in for conversation and a coffee post lunch.  The practice of allowing students the autonomy to manage their lunch hour was not just a break from the school day; it was a lesson in trust, responsibility, and offered the students an opportunity to practice self regulation within their school day. 

Learning is Joyful!
One of my favorite aspects of the educational experience during my visit was the evident joy in learning. It was clear that learning in Portuguese schools was a joyful experience for students. This joy likely stems from innovative teaching methods, a supportive atmosphere, and a curriculum that connects with students' interests. I was reminded during our time in these two schools that education can and should be an enjoyable journey of exploration among a community that cares for one another.  This also reminded me of my dear friend and colleague Michael Armstrong…he would have loved both of these schools!  

The ideas I am bringing back from Portugal underscore the importance of space, community, empowerment and joyful learning. As educators, parents, and learners, we can draw inspiration from these ideas to create educational experiences that are not only effective but also enriching and fulfilling. 

I hope that by sharing my experience that we might reimagine education as a joyful and empowering experience, fostering curiosity, community, and lifelong learning for all students.

I would like to thank Marco, Celestino and Jose for being our wonderful hosts during our time in Portugal.  I am grateful for each of you and the insights that you shared with us.  I would also like to thank the educators at both schools for allowing us to visit and experience the fabulous learning environments that you have created.  Obrigada meus amigos!


3 Lessons: Learning Beyond the Education Sector


Leading Schools UT 2023