3 Lessons: Learning Beyond the Education Sector
Theresa Gibson Theresa Gibson

3 Lessons: Learning Beyond the Education Sector

In early December Theresa went to Orlando for the Learning 2023 conference. The conference is hosted by The Learning Guild, a member based organization serving learning and development leaders across myriad sectors. She arrived excited for a multi-sector experience on a scale larger than the community of colleagues developed while earning her MBA. The anticipation reminded her that it had been too long since she poked her head outside of the education world. The intention in joining was to seek out similarities and differences when comparing learning in outside sectors to my world of preK-12. The goal was to learn through examining approaches with curiosity, to observe familiar content with a beginner’s mind and “new to me content” with conscious academic critique. The week passed quickly, with quick stops at Disney Springs in the evening to grab Christmas gifts, lots of new colleagues, and some very deep conversations. She was exhausted and pleased to walk away with 3 major takeaways; One protocol, Many Hats, Learning Must Also be Business, & Same Essentials, Different Sectors. To read more about these lessons, visit her summary blog.

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Finding Inspiration in Portugal
Nancy Mangum Nancy Mangum

Finding Inspiration in Portugal

Being a tourist in a foreign place is exciting! Instead of having our heads buried in our phones, we are constantly looking around, taking in the sights and sounds, and immersing ourselves in the culture. Our minds become curious, and we are full of wonder and anticipation as we make sense of the things that are around us. My recent trip to Porto Portugal, not only allowed me to experience this beautiful city but also brought me back home with inspiration that I hope to be able to share with others.

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Leading Schools UT 2023
Nancy Mangum Nancy Mangum

Leading Schools UT 2023

This summer, the Leading Schools Summit returned for its fourth year in Utah, bringing together 70 school administrators from all across the state. Hosted at the Canyons School District and Adobe headquarters, this three-day event was focused on empowering school leaders and giving them the tools to lead student-centered Project-Based Competency Learning (PCBL) initiatives in their schools. John Spencer was the keynote for the event and offered participants a lot to think about as he inspired them to think about our students' learning experiences.

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